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Monday, March 2, 2009

Things to do on a snow day

It snowed last night and so today there is no school. There may not be any school tomorrow. Or ever. I live in the south and we just aren't prepared for snow. So here I am, unable to leave my house, forced to entertain myself. What in the world am I to do? Here are some ideas.
1. Make snow cream. All you need is some snow (be sure it hasn't been walked on or otherwise compromised), milk and sugar to taste. It won't last long so eat it fast, but be careful not to eat it too fast or you'll get a brain freeze. This is yummy goodness and will take you straight back to your childhood.
2. Read a book. Contrary to the beliefs of my students, reading will not actually kill you. It may, however, may cause you to lose track of time and become completely absorbed in another world.
3. Take a long hot bath. We all have more to do than we have time to do it in. Today you've been given a free day, a chance to spend a little time just on yourself. Use it. Run a tub full of hot water, add beads or bubbles or salts or just yourself, sit back and relax. Let the hot water wash all your stress away. Think about absolutely nothing. Don't get out until you are pruned all over. For best results, this can be combined with number two.
4. Take pictures of random stuff covered in snow. Inside most of us lies a photographer just dying to get out. Use this as a chance to let him/her free. Take pictures of trees, leaves, your pets, whatever you see. You'll feel like Ansel Adams or Annie Lebowitz in no time.
5. Watch a movie you haven't seen in years or are embarassed to let anyone know you enjoy. It's even better if it's a movie for kids or teenager and you are not one yourself . I, for example, will probably pop in A Cinderella Story this afternoon and cuddle under a nice warm blanket. I don't usually tell my friends I enjoy this movie. After all, I am nearly 30 years old and it is a Hillary Duff movie, but it just gets me every time.
6. Redecorate your home. If you're like me you are stranded inside and can't drive anywhere. This makes redecoration more challenging, but also more interesting (and economical, see post "How are you dealing with the recession?) since you will have to use stuff that you already own. Move that picture from the living room to the bedroom. Swap the sofa and love seat. You'll be surprised what a big difference a little change of scenery will make.
7. Indulge in that hobby you've neglected for too long. I crochet but haven't crocheted anything for about a month now. That's not good! I releases my stress and makes me feel productive. Or, learn a new one. There are websites that can teach you to do lots of stuff, provided you already have the supplies you need at home.
8. Turn on some music, sing along, and dance. You may feel silly at first but you'll eventually start to smile and feel good pretty. Lookin' for a Good Time is playing here right now. It always makes me sing and dance. It's also good exercise so your heart will be doubly happy.
9. Play with your kids, pet, or significant other. (Believe me, I wish I had a significant other to be playing with right now! *wink*) Go outside and play in the snow. Make snow angels. Have a snow ball fight. Enjoy not being at work and out of your house for a little while.
10. Take a nap. Kindergarteners aren't the only ones who need naps. Take a little time today and take one. Lie down on your bed, couch, chair, anywhere it's comfy, quiet, and warm enough to go to sleep. You don't have to sleep for long, just indulge yourself!
Remember, this is a snow day. You can do what ever you want. And remember, as long as what you do today helps you stay sane tomorrow the day hasn't been wasted!

1 comment:

  1. *I add vanilla extract to my snow cream... super yum!
    *I had to do a double take at the end of item 3 - maybe its because I've lived with a boy for too long, but "combined with number 2" sent me in the wrong direction... hahaha
    *My new silly movie indulgences are Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (EVERYONE should see this movie) and even more sheepishly... Enchanted - I really liked it! :)
